We are finally on the road in our new home. Direction North, the sea and warmer weather. When we arrived in Perth we had really cold moments particularly after the heat of Malaysia, so we go to warm ourselves up. The plan is simple : leave Perth, go up North alongside the coast to Exmouth and come back to Perth through Karijini National Park and the inland road.

Je dois dire que notre premier mois à Perth ne nous avait pas vraiment convaincus de l’Australie. Nous étions un peu déçus, nous nous attendions peut-être à un changement plus radical. Mais finalement la surprise, les découvertes et l’enchantement sont arrivés sur la route.

I must say that we have not been really convinced about Australia the first month. We were a bit disappointed, we expected maybe a bigger change. But finally the surprise, discoveries and charm arrived on the road.

We created our own routine on the road: finding a campground for a night, organizing the van, cooking … We realised the few down sides of the life in the van.
Slowly miles after miles the landscape had completely changed. Colors had changed, we crossed a green space to find an arid landscape, with red earth, smalls trees and flowers, then we crossed again green part. The trip started and we were ready to be amazed.

Je dois dire que notre premier mois à Perth ne nous avait pas vraiment convaincus de l’Australie. Nous étions un peu déçus, nous nous attendions peut-être à un changement plus radical. Mais finalement la surprise, les découvertes et l’enchantement sont arrivés sur la route.

I must say that we have not been really convinced about Australia the first month. We were a bit disappointed, we expected maybe a bigger change. But finally the surprise, discoveries and charm arrived on the road.

We created our own routine on the road: finding a campground for a night, organizing the van, cooking … We realised the few down sides of the life in the van.
Slowly miles after miles the landscape had completely changed. Colors had changed, we crossed a green space to find an arid landscape, with red earth, smalls trees and flowers, then we crossed again green part. The trip started and we were ready to be amazed.